Friday, September 20, 2019

Sept 16-19 Update

Student Learning

-Thank-you all for attending conferences this week.  We are looking forward to working with all of you this year!
-This past week we were ARTISTS! We focused on learning the shapes of the sunflowers in a sketch, then bringing these skills to our watercolours. They are beautiful and we will be posting them on IRIS soon.
-Also we are building our independent writing skills by using sentence starters and adding our own thoughts and ideas.  This week we used: I can and I have my.
-We are continuing to use math vocabulary to describe patterns. Ask your child to share a characteristics of a pattern (it will be repeated)
-This week we learned how to access Get Epic an online library.
Here is our classroom codes to read at home

Mrs. Kenney: zzg5505
Mrs. Harrold ckb4702

Upcoming Events

-We will be going on a pond walk to observe seasonal changes on Tuesday Sept 24.  Please dress accordingly. We will also be collecting leaves to build a leaf creature.
-To help with building a leaf creature, please bring in extra leaves for Wednesday Sept 25
-Picture Day Thursday Sept 26
-Please bring your pictures for SS (things that they enjoy, what is important to them) by Monday Sept 23

Please see message about Terry Fox from Mrs. Miller below

Toonies for Terry 

Auburn Bay School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday, September 25th. As we lead up to our run, classes will be working towards increasing their stamina in Phys. Ed while fundraising money for cancer research. Please bring in Toonies for Terry to your classroom teacher as we spread cancer awareness.

On the day of the run, it is important that students wear appropriate outside shoes for walking/running along with dressing appropriately for the weather that day. Parents are welcome to join us for this event out on the soccer field at 1:45 PM on Wednesday, September 25th. The Terry Fox Run will last approximately 15 minutes and students will line up with their homeroom teacher to go back inside for the remainder of the afternoon when we have finished. We kindly ask parents to wait outside while this is happening and to pick up your child from their normal dismissal spot.