Friday, March 13, 2020

March 9 - 13

Student Learning

  • In Social Studies, we talked about the difference between needs and wants. 

  • In Science, we learned how to draw deciduous and coniferous trees. Ask your child to share how these two types of trees are different. 

  • In writing, we spent time learning about what trees have. Ask your child to share what they learned about trees. 

  • In math, we worked on a big math word: the commutative property of addition. This means that it does not matter what order you add numbers, you will always get the same answer. 

  • We have been exploring stop motion animation using an app. We have learned about how many pictures it takes to create one second of film and how much an object should be moved between each picture in order to show movement. Here are some examples of our work: 

  • We have been very excited to practice this skill. If your child would like to continue this practice at home, here is the app that we are using, which is a free download: 

Classroom Updates
  • Thank you for your patience this week with Mrs. Harrold's field trip to the Central Library. I am hoping to reschedule it for a later time in April. 
  • Parent-Teacher conferences have been cancelled until further notice. 
  • Please know that hand-washing continues to be a priority in our classroom. 
  • Please check the CBE's website for regular updates about COVID-19.