Friday, December 6, 2019

December 2 - 6

Student Learning

  • On Wednesday, we went on our winter pond walk. For our walk, we worked on a thinking routine called Color, Symbol, Image. As we walked, we had to find a color, word or symbol and an image that described winter. Ask your child to share how they described winter. 

  • We have also been working with apples this week. In math, we tried to find the mass of an apple in blocks. We made lines of ten when weighing. These were our results: 

  • Ask your child to share how they weighed the apple and how they knew they had enough blocks to tell the mass of the apple. 
  • We also had an apple taste test this week. We tried five different apples and described the apple's taste and texture. Here are our results: 

  • We also created apple sauce using the apples. We used this video for anyone who may want to try this recipe at home: Applesauce Video

  • We also began some apple pop art. Stay tuned for the finished product! 

Classroom Updates 
  • It is Christmas concert week at Auburn Bay School! It will be a busy week and we will be going outside for our gym time, so please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather. 

  • Our class will be performing on Wednesday, December 11th. There is an afternoon dress rehearsal that parents and extended relatives are welcome to attend. The afternoon performance is at 1:15 pm. For the evening performance, please try to limit the number of family members attending to 2. The front doors of the school will open at 4:30 pm. Students will walk directly to their classroom. The performance begins at 5:00 pm. After the show, please pick your child up in their classroom. Students are asked to dress in concert attire.